I Love Your Foot Fetish

I Love Your Foot Fetish Published on: May 24, 2021

I never knew I had pretty feet, I swear I didn't. I would go so far as to say that I thought I had ugly feet and tried to hide them throughout much of my life. My best friends growing up were Greek and Italian, Georgia and Kim. They both had long, sun kissed brown toes, with beautifully large pronounced toenails that they mostly painted red. They wore sandals everywhere we went. And that was the standard of foot beauty, like so many other things in life that I held myself up to. I had decided that if my feet didn't look like theirs… they must be unattractive. Then one day, years later, that all changed.

My marriage had ended and I reluctantly decided to give online dating a shot. One evening after dinner while scrolling through Bumble, I came upon a profile of a gorgeous Portuguese man who said he was a sucker for a pair of high heels. I thought…well I can do high heels and swiped right, to my amazement we matched! Late that same evening after messaging for a bit, he asked if he could have a picture of my feet. I was nervous and I thought ugh, of all things, my feet? I worked up the nerve and sent it anyway, what came back was a turning point for me. He had sent me a sweaty face emoji! You know the one with the little bead of blue sweat, dripping down the tiny round yellow face. I was shocked. He said I had perfect arches and suckable toes, I was doubly shocked! And while I never went on a date with him, he really did change my life.

While I have yet to date a man with a full on foot fetish, I did once have a moment with a younger man I was dating. Let's just say, one morning…my feet…became the center of his attention and I never forgot it. Over the last few months on Instagram I've learned a lot about foot fetishes from my followers. Men who love feet want to see the soles of feet, some wanna see them scrunched up, some love sweaty feet, some love the smell of feet. Quite often men will even offer to pay for my pedicure, although to date I have never accepted the offer. As you can imagine for these men, feet become an integral part of their sexual pleasure and while there seems to be a lot of societal judgement about this, I think it's kind of awesome.

While all men with foot fetishes are different. I'm sure the one who will have my interest..is very likely much more sensual than your average man. He is definitely a pleaser. This man isn't only into feet, my feet are just a part of his time spent with me and I love the thought of that . When I hear a man scoff at the idea of a foot fetish, I actually get a little turned off these days. I need to be with a man that is open to all that life has to offer. I've been told I have the most beautiful soles that some men have ever seen and I don't take that compliment lightly. I've learned that my feet, like every other part of me, should be appreciated by the man I'm with. I love, that you love my feet and that you're comfortable enough to be open with me. I love your foot fetish.