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About me

How do we sum ourselves up in a few paragraphs?  The layers, the healing, the transformation. I have lived more than one version of this life, as have you.  This current incarnation, my life since I turned 5o, is the greatest of them all.  My seventeen year marriage ended in 2018 and I have two teenage sons. It is only now that I am stepping into the truth of who I really am, really getting to know myself. Letting go of the needieness and co-dependent behavior that has defined me for many years. I'm a lover of life these days, a lover of lessons, a lover of the journey.  It took what some might consider a long time to get here, to this place of unwavering faith and self worth.  There is no going back.  This is my life after 50 and it is a coming of age story.  I want to talk to you about Dating, Love, Relationships, Sex , Dream Building and definately Aging Sexy! I am a social worker, a teacher, an entrepreneur, a writer, a dream maker and most all a spiritual being having a very human experience.  What do you say we have it together!